The 2019 Bryan H. Botti Memorial Golf Outing was a huge success!

Through donations, sponsors and golf day fundraising, we are proud to announce that $33,499 was raised in Bryan’s memory. The Bryan H. Botti Memorial Foundation would like to thank everyone who supported this event, all 144 golfers, BBQ attendees, volunteers and all the staff at Greystone Golf Course.

We would like to recognize and thank our 2019 title sponsors pictured below:

The Mt. Washington Tavern and Brown Advisory

A special thank you to the Roz and Marvin Weiner Family Foundation.


Thank you to our Outing Sponsors and Donors! (click link)

1st place team: Andrew, John, Matt and Mike Pipitone


2nd place team: Kyle Del Campo, Ryan Del Campo, Zac Lazarus and Adam Cummins


3rd place team: Vince Grey, Tim McCabe, Matt Norris and Glenn Norris


Closest to the Pin: Brian Diller

23rd Place: DJ Wacker, Doug DiMattia, Ray Allocco and Brett Cheplowitz

Women’s Longest Drive: Shea Gahan

Men’s Longest Drive: Ben Shriver